
0 M+

Your Ultimate Company Verification Solution

Plug and Play

Comprehensive Services


Pull Company Info:

Access company MOA, AOA, COI from MCA in one click.


Track GST:

Simplify your GST tracking process.


Risk Check:

Leverage AI for thorough risk profiling.


Use Case Segments

Financial Institutions

  • Bank Statement Analyzer: Quickly assess the financial health of businesses by analyzing their bank statements.
  • Risk Check: Utilize AI-enabled risk profiling to evaluate a company’s ability and intent to pay.
  • Comprehensive Company Details: Pull detailed company information including MOA, AOA, and COI from MCA in seconds.
  • GST Tracking: Seamlessly track GST data (R1, R2, 3B) to ensure compliance and financial transparency.

E-Commerce Platforms

  • Supplier Onboarding Solutions: Efficiently verify and onboard new suppliers with access to over 250 verification APIs.
  • GST Verification with OTP: Ensure suppliers are GST compliant with easy OTP-based verification.
  • Company Document Download: Access crucial documents like MOA, AOA, and COI instantly.
  • Risk Profiling: Assess the reliability and creditworthiness of new suppliers using AI-driven risk checks.

Real Estate and Home Loan Providers

  • Home Loan Platform Integration: Streamline the verification of potential homebuyers and ensure accurate background checks.
  • Aadhaar and PAN Verification: Quickly verify identity documents with OTP-based Aadhaar and PAN verification.
  • Bank Account Verification: Confirm the financial stability of applicants through bank account verification.
  • Employment Verification: Use EPFO and UAN-based searches to verify employment history and status.

Investment Firms and Venture Capitalists

  • Angel Investor Onboarding: Verify potential investors and ensure they meet necessary requirements.
  • Investment Sanity Check: Perform due diligence on investment opportunities to ensure sound decisions.
  • VC Specific Due Diligence Engine: Access tailored solutions for thorough venture capital checks.
  • Comprehensive Background Verification: Utilize a wide range of APIs to verify identities, financial health, and business credibility.
trusted by Companies

Frequently Asked Questions?

Related to TruComp™

TruComp™ is a comprehensive company verification solution offering KYB (Know Your Business), company information, and GST tracking services. Our plug-and-play system provides instant access to a wide range of verification APIs, enabling fast and accurate company verification.

TruComp™ offers the fastest company verification check API in India, completing verifications in just 30 seconds.

Yes, when you login now, you get 20 free credits to experience our services.

We offer a wide range of services including pulling company info, GST tracking, AI-enabled risk profiling, and access to over 250 verification APIs such as bank account verification, vehicle RTO, Aadhaar verification, and many more.

KYB stands for Know Your Business. It’s a process of verifying the identity and details of businesses to ensure compliance and reduce risks.

Our AI-enabled Risk Check uses advanced machine learning algorithms to assess a company’s ability to pay and intent to pay, providing a comprehensive risk profile.

Yes, we offer tailor-made solutions for various industries and specific business requirements, including supplier onboarding, OEM solutions for the automotive industry, individual onboarding, home loan platforms, and more.

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